Thank you for supporting FOFA!



FOFA is raising $25,000 for our February 2025 young artist competition in Oaxaca, at which over 100 artists will compete. Of this goal, $12,000 is earmarked for the cash prizes FOFA awards to winners and honorable mentions recipients in each of six categories. This year, the money we raise for prizes will be MATCHED by the FOFA board. 

Additional contributions will help cover our budget to produce a beautiful four-color exhibition catalogue and to underwrite our event-related administration costs.  (All FOFA volunteers and the independent panel of judges pay their own expenses to participate in the event.)

Please give generously! Here are some options:

$2,500 - a named prize fund for a particular genre of folk art (textiles, ceramics, wood carving, etc.)
$1,000 - catalogue "gold" level sponsor listing
$  500 - catalogue "silver" level sponsor listing
$  250 - catalogue contributor listing

All donors $150 and above will receive a free copy of the exhibition catalogue (late spring 2025).

Your donation to FOFA is fully tax-deductible. EIN: 26-0516749

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

Checks may be made out to "FOFA" and mailed to:

47 Plaza Street West #7A
Brooklyn, NY  11217-3905

Thank you.

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